The Annabelle rock crystal side table – P.O.A.

This exquisite side table has been crafted from semi-precious stone rock crystal and topped with brass.

Your guests will be bowled over by this stylish, elegant and exquisite side table. Standing at 38cm high, it is the perfect height to place to the side of a sofa or chair.

Rock crystal is a pure form of quartz and has been used for millennia, and before glass existed, as a luxury decorative material. When it catches the light, rock crystal resembles diamonds in its brilliance and transparency.

Rock crystal has long been considered a healing stone and is said to encourage energy, strength and emotional clarity.


Details & Dimensions

  • Materials: Rock crystal, gold-plated brass
  • Dimensions (cm): H38x W45
  • Care: Never use chemical cleaners or acidic products. Rinse with warm water and dry with a lint cloth

Shipping: UPS standard delivery or similar, ships in 8-10 weeks

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